
GamePad APK 1.7

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GamePad APK is a free Android app developed by Fishstix that allows you to use your phone as a controller while playing games. With this app, you can emulate various keyboards or pads, including an 8-way directional pad and simple D-Dpad directional keys.

To start using GamePad, simply install the app on your Android device and go to the Keyboards section in the Android settings. Enable the "GamePad" option, and you're ready to go! It's a straightforward process that doesn't require any complicated setup.

Once you've enabled GamePad, you'll have access to a range of features that enhance your gaming experience. The app offers a built-in transparent keyboard, allowing you to input commands seamlessly. It also supports multi-touch capability, enabling you to perform multiple actions simultaneously.

GamePad is compatible with popular emulators like DosBox Turbo, OnLive, and SplashTop. Whether you're playing classic games or using emulators, this app provides a convenient and intuitive way to control your gameplay.

Download GamePad APK now and transform your Android device into a versatile game controller. Enjoy the freedom and flexibility of playing games with ease!

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